(571) 786-5979 Admin@DrEskow.com

For Doctors

Although the facility is new, Dr. Eskow has been practicing in Northern Virginia for almost 10 years. She now brings her prosthodontic expertise to Loudoun County. Virginia Prosthodontics is a specialty practice focused on the prosthetic needs of patients. A large part of our practice is dependent on our state-of-the-art in-house dental lab, which offers everything from same-day tooth repairs to full-arch porcelain prostheses. Dr. Eskow is a board-certified prosthodontist and is an expert in cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, dentures, and complete oral rehabilitation. She is an artist and a problem-solver. We look forward to meeting you and your team. If you are interested in a lunch-n-learn, please reach out! We love meeting other dentists and staff.

Doctor Newsletter

Our seasonal professional newsletter (PDFs open in new window)

Replacing the Lateral Incisor

NEW The maxillary lateral incisor is the second most commonly missing tooth due to agenesis and one of the most challenging to replace. Published Winter 2025

All-on-X Part One: Navigating Challenges

For a small group of patients, there can be complications which become headaches in our practices. Published Spring 2024

Screw Fractures in Dental Implants

A deep-dive on why screw fractures happen, how to prevent, and how to retrieve a broken screw. Published Spring 2023

Diagnosing the Gummy Smile

Five measurements – and treatment options –  I recommend to make the process simple. Published Winter 2023

Doctor Referrals

Have a referral? We welcome new patients on a referral basis, for consultation or treatment. Simply fill out our referral pad attachment and email to Admin@DrEskow.com

Or you can print and mail to:

Virginia Prosthodontics
24805 Pinebrook Road, Suite 208
Chantilly, VA 20152 

Referral Pad [PDF 160k]

We are here to assist you in whatever ways which are helpful to you. We want to make your jobs easier. Give us a call, send us an e-mail, or shoot us a text.